Friday, December 4, 2009

Sucessful Turkey Bowl Outreaches

Bowling a frozen turkey in classroom? YES! Our first outreach at Mandarin High School brought 26 new students to come check out the Christian Club for the Turkey Bowl!
Jeffrey, pictured above, was on one of four teams to compete. The Orange team won!

The biggest winner was Jessica, pictured above first girl on left, who indicated she prayed to receive Christ at the event. Here friends, Joy and Miranda, were so excited after and said they were taking her to church with them on Sunday! Way to go girls!

Louis a junior football player got the games going and showed us how it's done!

Josh bowled at the Bartram/Creekside HS outreach on Thursday night at Tansey's backyard where 70 students came and 14 prayed to receive Christ for the first time!