Saturday, September 5, 2009

Hello Ministry Partners!

In just three weeks, God has raised 25% of my monthly need. I am praying for more partners to help me report to my assignment full-time! Thanks to the funds that have come in, I was able to purchase the supplies I will need for Bible studies. I keep a “Ministry Kit” in my car at all times that is full of new Bibles and journals for the girls, pens, supplies for illustrations to my lessons, and of course the Bible study lessons.

School has started and I had the opportunity to teach and share my testimony at the Student Venture meeting already. I visited Bartrum Trail HS to meet students and faculty where I was blown away by this $62 million dollar facility!

Once my team is developed I will be going to Bartrum Trail and Creekside HS to give motivational talks to the cheerleaders, athletic teams, and student clubs. We invite them to come back to an outreach where I will present the Gospel. In the past, I typically saw at least 10% of the students who have not been to church, pray to receive Christ at that very first meeting! It is wonderful to witness God open the hearts and eyes of His children to receive His unconditional Love and Grace! From there, I will follow up with each student and invite them to get involved in a Bible Study to further their understanding in their new relationship with God. We also encourage them to attend a local church.

Steve and I found a great church we like very much called Christian Family Chapel. A student, named Hannah, shared a testimony about what God taught her when her mission trip to Haiti was cancelled. She realized that she had been preparing herself to reach the Haitian people for Christ over the past few weeks, but she was not reaching out to people right here in her own community. She decided to dedicate the next 10 days that she would have been in Haiti, to do ministry here in Jacksonville. So, Hannah and three of her friends went to the beach and shared the hope of the Gospel . They stepped out in faith and planted seeds with 12 individuals. Her faith has grown in those 10 days and she is ready to continue this life of surrender no matter where God sends her.

It’s students like Hannah that get me excited about the great potential of this next generation!
Thank you for making a difference by investing in Campus Crusade for Christ to help me impact the lives of young people both now and for eternity. Thanks for your continued prayers and support!

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